Digital Downloads
Natural Pest Control
This 12 page e-book provides a framework to deal with insect pests in the garden with intention and direction. It provides a framework to create an ecosystem that focuses on a wide range of tactics that leads to a naturally healthy garden. Topics covered include ID your bugs, companion planting, and what to do when prevention fails. Also includes good and bad bug charts with pictures of bugs in multiple life stages.
Communicating With Your Plants
This e-book teaching you the basics of caring for your plants in a way that they understand. You will learn the two languages plants speak, and how to speak them too. COMING SOON!
Maintaining Your Garden Without Losing Your Mind
This E-book covers the basics of maintaining your garden, including what tasks are important to do daily, weekly, or every season. It covers the why behind the tasks, and gives you tips to help avoid unnecessary work. COMING SOON!